
“…the truth of the matter is that beauty is all around us.” – Te’

I AM a walker. Forever gazing at clouds. My photos capture the beauty of what I see.

Sharing these magical moments makes it real as we get lost in often looking at what distracts us.

Most of my photos to date are simply within walking distance of my home. However I guess I do take a fair amount of photos while on drives.

A question I was asked recently from one of my dear artist friends;

“How do you capture such beauty? Where do you go to see these amazing views? How is it that you find such beauty?”

I go outside.

My response quite simply leaves me humbled.

I attempt to capture beauty that I see. But the truth of the matter is that beauty is all around us.

Being able to see this beauty is the joy. The discovery of daily life. A practice. A mindfulness to be more present. More aware of what is all around us.

Astounding for me to also realize that many of my photos are of vast skyscapes.

It is I who marvel at those who capture a photo of a something close up.

Focusing in on the details of what they see. What others myself included, miss.

Perhaps that is a metaphor for our lives. Finding the balance. The balance of looking out so far into the future that we miss the details that within a given moment that warrant our attention.

I AM learning that we walk hand in hand with nature. Every day. It is in the blessing of what we experience that creates the magic.

See we must be in awe. Childlike wonder.

I simply hold this wonder when I walk. When I drive. When I sit and look out my window. The sun. The birds. They call to us to go and play with them in this magic kingdom called earth.

This my friend is beauty. This is the living from our soul, calling us home to ourselves to enjoy life. To know the beauty within.

It is morning. My coffee has long grown cold. And I AM smiling as I am still in my blue bathrobe. Watching as snow dances on the ground.

Thank you for sharing this amazing journey of triumph with me. Truly.

High Five to the beauty that is all around us!

©2017 Te’ Werner
Excerpted from RISE & SHINE
©2017 Photo
Te’ hiking Horse Heaven Hills, WA



Glorious morning walk along the river’s edge…blessing each step and the journey that leads us to where we are going.

Thank you for sharing this writing journey of High Five to Triumph!

©2016 Te’ Werner

©2016 Photo
Te’ autumn morning walk…along the river’s edge



“Enjoy the magic of captured moments…”

Guess what I did this morning? I walked along the river’s edge with my angel Bailey…watching the sunrise.

Captured a bit of river magic. My senses feel much more heightened when I walk in the early morning. I AM enlivened.

What brings you magic?

©2016 Te’ Werner

©2016 Photo
Sunrise Magic along the river’s edge; Columbia River, WA

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